cheia.load “sqlite” |
db, errmsg = sqlite.open(“/path/to/database”) |
errnum, errmsg = sqlite.exec(db, “INSERT INTO my_table (fieldA, FieldB) VALUES 'foo', 'bar'”) |
vm, errnum, tail, errmsg = db:compile(“SELECT * FROM my_table”) |
errnum = vm:step() |
row = vm:data() |
errnum, errmsg = vm:finalize() |
db:close() |
Provides a Lua interface for the SQLite lightweight relational database library.
SQLite is a fast, simple, and easy-to-use file-based database engine,
which supports most of SQL92.
This module provides the ‘without callbacks’ SQLite
interface. Typical usage is to use db:compile(sql) to create a
virtual machine which executes the SQL query. For most purposes,
this can be thought of as an forward-only cursor over the result
set. To obtain each row, call vm:step() to move the cursor, followed
by either vm:data() or vm:idata() to get the data.
There is also a simplified iterator interface, an example of which is
given below.
Note: SQLite does rather coarse locking. This can make it unsuitable
for environments where concurrent accesses are the norm. A large
setting for db:busy_timeout() may be helpful. Another consequence is
that reads and writes must not overlap, so it is important to finalize
VMs as soon as possible.
Using the iterator interface:
db = assert(sqlite.open(“/path/to/database”)) |
for r in db:rows(“SELECT * FROM some_table”) do |
print(r.field1, r.field2, r.field3) |
end |
db:close() |
This function prints a table of the results of an SQL expression:
function print_results(db, sql) |
local vm = assert(db:compile(sql)) |
local r = vm:step() |
local n = 0 |
-- First print the field names |
if r == sqlite.ROW then |
for k,v in ipairs(vm:iname()) do |
io.write(string.format(“%20s”, v)) |
n = n+1 |
end |
io.write(“\n”, string.rep(“-”, n*20), “\n”) |
end |
-- Then for each row print the values |
while r == sqlite.ROW do |
for k,v in ipairs(vm:idata()) do |
io.write(string.format(“%20s”, v)) |
end |
io.write(“\n”) |
r = vm:step(); |
end |
vm:finalize() |
end |
- sqlite.version()
Returns the SQLite version, e.g. “2.8.13”.
Returns: |
SQLite version.
- sqlite.encoding()
Returns the character encoding being used, e.g. “iso8859”.
Returns: |
- sqlite.open(name, [mode])
Opens a database file. The mode parameter is currently ignored by
SQLite. Open “:memory:” for an in-memory database, or "" for a
temporary file database which will be deleted when it is closed.
Parameters: |
name : string
File name.
mode : number
File mode.
Returns: |
Database handle.
Error message.
- sqlite.error_string(errno)
Obtains an error description from an error code.
Parameters: |
errno : number
An SQLite error number.
Returns: |
The corresponding string.
The database handle
These functions are also available in the form of, e.g. sqlite.close(db).
- db:close()
Finalizes any active VMs and closes the database. The database is
also automatically closed when both it and all descendent VMs are
garbage-collected, however relying on this can unnecessarily extend
- db:last_insert_rowid()
Returns the ID of the last row inserted into the database.
Returns: |
The last row ID.
- db:changes()
Returns the number of rows added/deleted/modified since the
database was last quiescent, i.e. typically the number of changes made
by the last db:exec() or since the last db:compile().
Returns: |
The number of changes.
- db:interrupt()
Can be called from a different thread to abort the current database operation.
In general, it is a bad idea to share database connections
across threads. Use separate connections.
- db:busy_timeout(timeout)
Causes the engine to wait at least timeout milliseconds before
returning sqlite.BUSY when it encounders a locked database.
Parameters: |
timeout : number
The timeout in ms.
- db:compile(sql)
Compiles an SQL statement into a virtual machine and returns a
handle for it.
Parameters: |
sql : string
The SQL to compile.
Returns: |
The VM handle.
An error message.
An error code.
Any characters which were not processed.
- db:exec(sql)
Compiles and executes an SQL statement, and does not return any
result rows. The first return value is a convenience for use with
Parameters: |
sql : string
The SQL to execute.
Returns: |
true if successful.
An error message.
An error code.
- db:rows(sql)
Compiles an SQL statement, and returns results in a format suitable
for use with Lua's generalized for construct. See the example above.
Note: When used as a for loop iterator, this method simply
returns no rows if there was an error. To check for errors, use the
db:last_error() method afterwards (it should return
sqlite.OK). Avoid using break to leave the loop early, since in
this case the VM used will not be finalized until it is
Parameters: |
sql : string
The SQL to execute.
Returns: |
The vm:next_row() function.
The VM handle.
An error code.
- db:last_error()
Returns the result code from the last SQLite library function
called, whether successful or not.
Returns: |
An error code.
The VM handle
These functions are also available in the form of, e.g. sqlite.step(vm).
- vm:bind(table)
Binds ‘?’ parameters of a query to values. values should be a
table mapping 1-based parameter indexes to values (or false to
indicate NULL). Non-numeric indexes are ignored. This function
internally makes multiple sqlite_bind() calls, so the return code
is the most recent error (i.e. result differing from sqlite.OK), or
sqlite.OK if all calls succeeded.
Note: This function is experimental, and the interface may change.
Parameters: |
table : values
Table of parameters to bind.
Returns: |
An error code.
- vm:reset()
Resets a VM to the state it was in just after it was compiled,
ready to re-run the query. Useful to re-use a query containing ‘?’
parameters. The first return value is a convenience for use with
Returns: |
true is successful.
An error message.
An error code.
- vm:step()
Advances to the next row of the VM recordset. Returns sqlite.ROW
on success, or sqlite.DONE after the last row.
Returns: |
An error code.
- vm:finalize()
Completes an SQL statement started by sqlite.compile() and frees
the VM used. The VM is also finalized automatically on
garbage-collection, however relying on this may cause an associated
lock to be held longer than it should be. The first return value is a
convenience for use with assert().
Returns: |
true if successful.
An error message.
An error code.
- vm:idata()
Returns a numbered table containing the data of the current row.
Returns: |
The row data.
- vm:iname()
Returns a numbered table containing the field names of the result table.
Returns: |
The field names.
- vm:itype()
Returns a numbered table containing the field types of the result table.
Returns: |
The field types.
- vm:data()
Returns a table mapping field names to field contents for the
current row.
Returns: |
The row data.
- vm:type()
Returns a table mapping field names to field types for the result table.
Returns: |
The field types.
- vm:next_row([lasterr])
Steps the VM and returns a table mapping names to contents for the
new row. After the last row, finalizes the VM and returns nil.
Parameters: |
lasterr : number
Internal use. If supplied, must be sqlite.OK.
Returns: |
The row data.
SQLite is not quite suitable for binary data yet.
Missing callbacks and user-defined functions.
See also
The SQLite homepage: http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/
Revision history
Added in LuaCheia 5.0.
Uses the SQLite library by D. Richard Hipp.
Lua module and documentation by Jamie Webb and Doug Currie.