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LuaCheia Reference Manual

Writing LuaCheia modules

You can write pure Lua modules if you want; modules are not by any means required to have a binary component.

Pick a name/namespace

You need to pick a module name, which will also serve as a module namespace. This name needs to be a word which is valid both as part of a filename, and as a Lua identifier. Examples:

  • pcre
  • fuzzy
  • cheia
  • SDL
  • wx
  • SQL

See Module names for a list of currently-used module names; you should avoid name collisions with this list.

Binding to your C code

For the basic interface, use any method you want. Including:

  • Handmade C API bindings
  • GluaX
  • tolua (when it's available for 5.0)
  • LuaSWIG

Set up your code to be built as a shared library. See "src/modules/fuzzy" for a small sample; also see below under ‘Building’.

Loading your shared library into LuaCheia

You need to write a Lua stub for your module, which does the actual binding to your module. The result is to create a global table, with the name of your module. This table should contain all the data and code of your module. Aside from creating and populating this table, and loading other required modules, your stub should have no side effects.

You can use any supported method of loading your binary module, including:

  • The loadlib function (built-in Lua 5.0 feature)
  • loadmodule (similar to loadlib, but has safer versioning), available in LuaCheia as cheia.loadmodule
  • GluaX (adds binding wrappers), available in LuaCheia as cheia.gluaload


The LuaCheia project uses autoconf and automake to create extremely portable Makefiles. If you want your modules to be as cross-platform as possible, we recommend using autoconf and automake, following the examples in "src/modules". Also, all modules included in the LuaCheia project must be able to be built using autoconf and automake.

However, autoconf and automake are not very intuitive to use, if you haven't used them extensively. Nothing about the LuaCheia module-loading architecture cares how you actually build the modules, so if you are making a module for yourself, or to be distributed independently of the LuaCheia project, you can use whatever tools you want.

Your module should be built as a shared library for the target platform (e.g. DLL on Windows, .so on Linux, OSX and most Unixes). Your module should dynamically link to Lua, using the filenames:

  • liblua-5.dll and liblualib-5.dll on Windows
  • and on Linux
  • liblua.5.dylib and liblualib.5.dylib on OSX

See also [Unknown reference: ABI] for some details about how the components of LuaCheia are built for different platforms.

Building using the LuaCheia framework

To add a module into to the luacheia source tree and build it using the existing framework, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make a subdirectory for your module's source files, under "src/modules". E.g. "src/modules/yourmodule".
  2. Create a "" file in this dir. It's probably easiest to copy one from an existing module, and then edit it to reference the name of your module and your source files.
  3. Add "src/modules/yourmodule/Makefile" to the list at the end of
  4. Add the module name to the LC_ALL_MODULES list in ""

Now you're ready to try building. First do this in the root of the luacheia tree, to set up your configure script and ""s:

# aclocal
# autoconf
# autoheader
# automake

If necessary, fix any errors in "" and your "", and repeat the above commands.

Now, do this to set up the actual "Makefile"s, specific to your system:

# ./configure

And finally, to try building:

# make

Last but not least, to link all the shared libraries and put them in their appropriate directories:

# make install

cheia.load stub-loader scripts

LuaCheia has one canonical function to load external functionalities (modules): cheia.load.

cheia.load takes one parameter, the module namespace as a string:


(optionally it can be passed true/false as second parameter, which will 'force' reloading of a module if true)

cheia.load will follow the semantics described in Module path conventions to find a ‘stub loader’ script which will then implement the actual functionallity to ‘load’ a given module.

Minimum structure of a stub-loader script

-- begin stub-loader script for module 'modname'
return cheia.loadmodule(“modname”)
-- end of stubloader for 'modname'

So the module named 'modname' would be loaded like so:

LC> cheia.load("modname")

What happens internally

  • cheia.load searches and loads the stub-loader script.
  • It runs the stub-loader script. The script should return true on success, or false plus an error message on failure.

In case of success, cheia.load returns true. If any of the steps fails, then cheia.load returns false plus an error message.

Examples and notes

Note: Keep in mind that the stub-loader script is not limited in functionality to loading binary (dll/so) extensions. A ‘module’ could completly be defined only by it's stub-loader script (Lua-only module), it can be a mix of binary-extension (Lua extending a binary module with helper functions) or a basic ‘loader’ for a binary extension.

Also note that there are several loading mechanisms for LuaCheia as described above.

It is totally up to the module author to choose the loading mechanism to be used for a given module.

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 » Writing LuaCheia modules

Module Reference

 » bit
 » cgi
 » fuzzy
 » md5
 » pack
 » rex
 » SDL
 » shelve
 » sqlite


 » Module path conventions
 » Module names
 » Application Binary Interface
 » Credits